7 Replies

Super Mum

If baby can move around using his hands and without pain, his shoulder’s not dislocated:) There would also be an obvious deformity (like the arm hanging lose) if that were the case.. but if this problem persists and is worrying you, you may consider seeing a paediatric orthopaedic doctor?

Since your baby didn't show pain or discomfort, and 2 doctors said he is fine, then he should be alright. If you still worry, you may want to consider to seek your paediatrician's opinion to clear your mind. I know how you feel.😊

I hear a crack sometimes when I left my 5.5mo baby too. But she doesn't seem affected by it or show any sign of discomfort so I just leave it. I just try to be even gentler when handling her.

The baby's arm does not hang loose. I am just worried.

consult pd better if worried

VIP Member

No pain should be fine.

consult your pd pls

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