For every parent child development is very important and critical to determine our children's progress as they grow up. As a mom,I am very conscious of my Skyler's development when he was young. In one way or another, I compared his development in our neighbor's child. In this webinar, I learned that early detection and acceptance is very important when you know and recognized that your child is different. Seeing the deformities as compared to normal, the ways and how your child acts, that is when you accept that my child is different and that it needs extra care. Early intervention is best, so that you help develop their growth on the onset and you can fill-in the gaps necessary for their development. Acceptance plays a major role having a child with Down syndrome. We should embrace them and always be on guard to help so that we can boost their independence and self- esteem. Later on they can do things on their own pace and also live a normal life. We have to accept that every child is unique and is different from one another. Maybe one suits for their child while the other is not. A child with special needs is a child first . Let us always show compassion and love for all these children having down syndrome. For those who haven't watch the webinar last Sept 22, 2020 topic is all about "Childhood Development From A-Z" you can watch the replay here😊👇. https://www.facebook.com/113731543334640/posts/360855238622268/ #SanofiActs #FamHealthy #TheAsianparentPHLive #SanofixBestBuddiesPh #ChildhoodDevelopmentFromAtoZ

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