Loss hope. Need to rant.

Eversince we had a kid, i lost all my love for hubs. The way he takes care of LO disgusts me. I already told him multiple times to not leave her crying so badly, go and carry her but no, he doesnt want to. He says that she's big enough already, shouldn't cry so much anymore and should be able to sleep on her own. Lol, she's only 6 months. When LO resists sleep, my family would try to rock or pat or even walk around the house to soothe her. But no, he wants to do it his way. He'll only sit while carrying her and let her continue crying while patting her ever so slowly. Either that, or he'll rock her roughly to "quicken the sleeping process". He doesnt want her to get pampered Now he suddenly says that we should never ever let LO try chocolate or sweets, scared she'll be hyperactive or likes them too much over normal food. I dont think I'll ever be given a chance to try BLW. Eversince she turned 4MO, I do all the night feeds, the day feeds.. he likes to force LO to finish up until she cries and eventually drinks & i do not like that. He doesnt want to try again later and his reasoning is that "see, she end up drinking what. Ok lah, she's just pampered so she likes to cry". I'm now scared to even start LO's solids journey with him. What's wrong with him? I dont even know if I'm willing to have a 2nd child with him. It's not my pregnancy journey that's traumatising. Being a family with him makes it traumatising....

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It really sound tough for you Mummy.. Maybe try to explain to him e reason why not let baby cry so badly by showing some research online? And forcing baby to drink finish it can be real bad, as baby’s stomach is still developing, digestion might not be so good at 4 mths old it might even causing reflux issue.. I hope your hubby can listen to some logical advices rather than insisting his man ego and causing more unhappiness.. Stay strong Mummy! 💪🏻😊

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