Ever since my nephew was born last July, my in-laws who took care of him almost 24/7 adores him. This was not an issue to me since my in-laws used to spoil my boy & I'd rather not have that continue. However after a while, my boy (who used to be care for by my mil for almost 2yrs) resisted visiting their house. When we asked him, he said that the grandparents only speak to him when the bb is sleeping or not around. Few weeks back when we last visited, my mil even called both my boy n girls by name of the nephew. Now when my in-laws called, my boy doesn't even want to talk to them at all. Worst is my in-laws only like boys. So when my girls went, the elder gal (#2) who insisted on tagging along when my fil brought my boy out, always get scolded regardless if it's her fault. Even at their house, when my boy snatched toy from my gal, my in-laws will scold my gal n asked her to give up to my boy regardless of the fact that my gal was playing with the toy 1st or that toy was hers. Of course when they want to play with my nephew's toy (even if he's not around), my in-laws said can't. Seriously I don't really want to visit and neither do my kids. But they called weekly to ask and questioned why we don't go (as if we instigated the kids not to). Nonetheless they are still grandparents and we need to visit once in a blue moon or meet for meals(which is another potential disaster as the nephew is around and the in-laws simply just ignore all my kids who tried very hard to talk to them or get their attention), wonder anyone has any similar issue and good ways to resolve? Note that in-laws r those who think they r always right so it's a challenge to talk to them. Tried before and they just find excuses.

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How about inviting them over to your home instead? That way you won't have your Nephew or his toys around. From the way I read it they are just baby crazy and it's probably nothing personal. :)

Please stand up for your kids, only you can protect them. I feel that this is very unfaor and not right. It's very important that you take action.

Invite your in laws out. That way, their attention is on your children and they will have no reason not to talk to them.

I would tell my husband to speak to his parents and if it's continues then no need to bring the kids over anymore.

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