Frustrated with current life

Ever since covid hit husband has no jobs (he is freelancing) and for me I left my full time to care for my infant back then as our helper(was a transfer) who worked 5 months with us despite giving us many patterns, she is the one to request to leave. It was hard to get a helper then due to border close and transfer market is high in demand, hence I left my job. Fast forward 2 years now, husband still haven't got proper job just part time delivery jobs and our finance dipped greatly till husband says need to sell house. Luckily I still have cpf to help cover both our monthly housing loans. I just don't understand y he can't make extra effort to earn money. Both of us are caregivers to our baby during these 2 years. This morning I say he is selfish and he got angry. I said this because I have been telling him to wake up in the morning to make milk for baby and also clean him up in the morning as I'm always the one doing it. He always sleep till 9am or 10am. I only requested him to wake up sometimes. He said he is angry I say he is selfish. Anything wrong with what I said? He used to wake up at 4am to make milk for baby and I am able to as well...however after that there r still plenty of time to sleep in.. now baby is bigger and drinks milk later at 6am plus or 7am plus if wake up make milk after that can't sleep anymore so it is more I am very tired..instead of hoping he could reply just OK.. he got angry at me. I wonder why did I like him in the first place? Not to mention our financial trouble now. I am looking for a full time job now and I doubt he will have proper job so he will be taking care of baby, fetching to school and back etc. Just want to rant and any marriage advice..i kept thinking of the worst. Everyone says I am lucky my husband is hands on..however it comes with a price which is our financial difficulty now.

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