3rd Trimester
Enter 3rd trimester and right leg start to swallon.... if press it”s pain and cannot wear the selipar aso....When ask with doc,say it”z water n normal...day by day it”z swallon and feel that leg is weighted....iz it normal if swallon lik that ???

same case with one of my friend. disebabkan kaki dia still bengkak and kandungan ngam 37 minggu, dia kne warded and doktor suggest induce deliver baby selepas 2 hari warded. doctor said, if still not relieve, suspected high blood pressure and might harm the baby if the mother had sudden contraction and fainted because of high blood pressure. she really meant it not to make you worried but we as mother aware about our baby. but dont worry. consult with your appointed doctor, they will guide you. ask more question. sure they will entertain you especially first time experience mother. good luck dear! 😊
Đọc thêmboth my legs da start swallon on 3rd trimester. getting worst each month. bila tidur make sure you letak kaki atas bantal. penat tp u hav to bear. i tidur mengiring sambil letak kaki kt atas bantal. surut sikit2. but if sakit, you better go and check with doc. kalau tak sakit nothing to worries i think
Đọc thêmolredi check n doc say till bby born sure will gt tat pain n swallon... wat to do, need sacrifice for safe delivery 😀😀
Actually this kinda thing is quite harmful to the mother n sometimes we cant avoid it. but, we can reduce the risk to have it by drink more water during the pregnancy.. btw, u can put some pillows under ur leg during sleeping. it helps too..
❤️❤️❤️ god bless u sis
kaki kanan sy pun lebih bengkak berbanding kiri dan rasa sakit bila picit. and after few days, sy bersalin. betullah kot org ckp, bila kaki bengkak mcm tu, kita akan deliver anytime. 😉 All the best.
ohw, congratez mummy... memang pun kaki kanan yg paling teruk bengkak
Hi. Swelling is quite common in the first trimester. What helps is moving around every 45 mins or so. Tell your hubby to give you massages in the evening.
Tq for the advise 😄
tinggi kan kaki masa tidur. Masa sy 3rd trimester pun start kaki bengkak, tak boleh pakai kasut kerja. Teroaksa pergi kerja pakai selipar croc je 😂
same situation 😆😆
time tidur letak kaki atas bantal , tinggi kan kedudukan kaki . bangun esok bagi insyaallah bengkak kurang .
Mungkin berbeza ikut org 😄😄
normal,that mean u will deliver anytime soon
Ohw,hope so 💐
yes it's normal I face the same problem too
Hoping for a child