5 Replies

Yes, pls do bedrest as much as possible and do not skip on that medicine. My miscarriage experience was traumatic. I had bleeding like period for 2 weeks straight. Toilet bowl was filled with blood everytime I pee and also on the pad that I wore and had ro change frequently. So yes, pls bed rest.

I had bleeding in late first tri and was put on duphaston and got a jab at a&e one night because i was shock to see a huge blood clot which was palm sized. I was given 2 days mc even though i wfh. Suggest u bed rest coz thats what they told me too. First time mum here too. Baby more impt!

Hi dear, if the bleeding continues and you are having lower back pain, do go to your gynae again. Meanwhile, take bed rest till next appointment. Try to take mc.

Bed rest please, try not to walk around if possible get someone to prepare your meals or call for delivery..

Pls bedrest. You alrd have threaten miscarriage already. Why still what go to work

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