Batang fish during pregnancy
Can we eat batang fish during pregnancy? I had some and was worried.

According to healthexchange, the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) monitors the mercury levels of imported fishes. The batang fish and Spanish mackerel, commonly used in sliced fish soup, are safe to eat in moderation during pregnancy.
i got crazy and only craved for fish soup thick bee hoon during my 2nd trimester . that the only food I can eat and have been craving for.i'm eating it almost everyday . i have bad nausea and heartburn even now I'm 15 weeks
Batang fish during pregnancy should be fine as long as eaten in moderation! You can also use the Food feature on this app to find out which foods are safe or not in pregnancy.
Batang fish used in sliced fish soup is safe to eat. However, AVA recommends to limit intake to only 1 serving per week due to the mercury levels.
It's okay to consume food that are deemed with mecury in it but consume it in moderation. A little is fine as long as you don't over do it.
Yes it is safe. It is recommended to have smaller fishes during pregnancy as large fishes may risk containing higher levels of mercury
I eat all kinds of fish during my pregnancy , didn’t really check on their mercury level. Eat in moderation should be fine I guess.
Just avoid in the first trimester.... after tht u shud be eating fish so that therr is milk supply later on..
some would even say you should eat batang fish during pregnancy. it's rich in fish oils like omega-3
Batang fish during pregnancy is safe. Just don't overdo it because some fish have mercury