First Trimester Coffee

Hi, can we drink coffee in first trimester? Currently 9w and very sleepy at work. Can we drink those nespresso capsule?

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9 weeks now. I try to quit it completely, and take only decaf about 2-3 cups a week. I’m 38, so we’re trying to reduce whatever risks we can. I end up being so tired, I have to take naps but I guess that way my body is getting the rest it needs during this crucial times! 😄 I don’t crave coffee at all, strangely

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I did. Every pregnancy is different! As far as I know, you can still drink coffee/tea when you're pregnant. Just limit your caffeine intake ☕I remembered craving for Coke in my first trimester, and I just drink it. Went for a check up and everything was fine. I'm almost 9 months pregnant now.

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my oby told me that coffee is still okay but only decaf. but Im still drinking my regular coffee tho. Since im on a graveyard shift. Just one cup of coffee is good. 9 weeks preggy too. 😊😊😊

Super Mom

It's good to cut down but you don't have to go cold turkey. I found cold teh helps me feel energized in the morning. You can also try decaf coffee.

First trimester is a crucial stage. Advised not to but if really have to, avoid brewed coffee that has higher caffeine level.

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Yes, you can add more milk so that the caffeine is not too much. choose capsule with less intensity and drink in moderation

Influencer của TAP

Hi I try to avoid as much as possible. Have a Nespresso machine so I switched to decaf, and drink only occasionally.

Can drink but dont drink full cup try drinking half cup especially starbucks coffee is high in caffein

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I did drink but I will try to avoid if possible. Try getting those chicken essence, work for me :)

Should be fine in moderation… I found this: