6 Replies
Mine didn’t indicate washing toilet. So far was washing n sterilising milk bottles , clean steriliser , laundry : hanging and keep tidy( baby & I) , basic cleaning for kitchen after meals : sweeping , mopping also clean cooking stove area. Prepare bathing herbs and help to wash etc
Confinement lady don’t wash toilet. Mine is 3.7k but she only help cleaning the house weekly if she have time. She only clean up the kitchen and wash baby and mom clothes etc. toilet is not their role please get your hubby to help if needed as you definitely cannot wash ya. 🙂
Yes mine currently does these on her own accord but I understand it isn’t standard practice. Guess I got lucky!
No. Nanny is supposed to help with your baby only. She is not a maid.
It was mentioned in the contract on the basic sweeping & mopping and light cleaning of toilet though.
Ley Octt