Does TCM like so hup pills and bai fong pills contribute to jaundice?

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I've heard of paed, nurses, and lactation consultants advising breastfeeding mothers to refrain from taking So Hup pills when their babies have jaundice. One of my friends who was taking it during her confinement, stopped for awhile as her baby had to be admitted for jaundice. She resumed after her baby has recovered.

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I have heard that if baby's jaundice is severe, you should minimise eating herbs and alcohol as these can be a strain on baby's under-developed liver. But continue to breastfeed. Also avoid ginger, papaya and carrots for the time being.. that is what my CL told me..

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I am not sure about hup pills and bai fong pills that contribute to jaundice. But in general avoid anything without asking the doc. Frequent breastfeed and exposure to sun rays are the best solutions.