Ivf help! Thanks!
Does grading of the blastocyst affect the chance of conception? Anyone tips to increase ivf success rate?

Apparently yes. However, there is still a chance of implantation regardless of grade. Usually the doctor will only recommend that you freeze the embryos when they are of a suitable grade. Your doctor will also be able to prescribe hormonal inserts or pills that will support the phase of the two weeks wait. Good to discuss with your doctor on increasing your chances of implantation.
Read moreI did my first IVF attempt and now pregnant at 16 weeks. I didn’t have any grading but the embryologist will always ensure they transfer the best quality ones amongst. I believe mine that gotten transferred was a BB grade n the only one that made it through, the rest of the embryos didn’t make it to freezing quality. By the way, I did IVF in Australia, not Sg, I flew over.
Read moreI successfully got pregnant and gave birth to healthy bb girl earlier this mth with grade 3 (though this time I faithfully did my tcm 3 mths prior and took dhea, co-q10, conception supplements all tgt)
hi! i understand that the blastocyst grade has direct association with its implantation. just take your vitamins, take good care of yourself and relax. after the embryo transfer, just take it easy :)
apparently yes, I think during the briefing class they will tell you also.. my TCM advised to take more proteins before retrieve the eggs because it helps to improve the eggs quality
yes, quality really makes alot of diff. but just keep urself healthy, avoid cooling food, keep ur womb warm and relax before and during the transfer will do. all the best!!
I was on another forum for IVF and some IVF warriors there shared that they got pregnant on not the best graded embryo (eg BB), so yes, like shared yet, best is to relax! 😊
I have read in many blogs that even low grade embryos result in healthy pregnancy. So don't think about grading, just eat healthy & relax
Yes it does, but as long it becomes a blastocyst it has a chance to implant. Mine is ungraded and I am at 30 weeks :)
my understanding YES to me relax is important