Does anyone know the pricing for newborn photography? Any recommendation for photographer in singapore who is experienced with newborn?

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Baby like art. - $388 for 2 hour session. Jen Pan- $800 Bambini - $799 which includes the hi-res touched up soft copies on USB. Jo Smith - 2 hr session at $250 - Katie Martin - 3 prints- $495!rates/c1uqb

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All my maternity and new born from there ( 3 maternity x 3 new born ) price reasonable $299 per session. So far, I took more than 2 hours and no charges as you know baby not easy to take photos. Check out their FB They are from hongkong. Interested let me know can share my VIP

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It's usually about $400-500 for a 2 hour session with 2 adults and baby. And you get about 4 digital and physical prints as part of the package. More can be bought additionally. Groupon often has good deals. I did mine with Chen sands photography ( and recommend her highly!

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-596)

I am not sure about the newborn photographer prices in Singapore although I will suggest you to visit this website to know more about newborn photographer.

FIon Boon New Born Photography is good.

Bambini is really good. But I find that their prices are slightly steep.

Tomato photograpy. You can check out their Facebook page.
