10 Replies

Mom's Cooking is a pretty good one. Their meals have no added MSG and they use canola oil (healthier than other cooking oils, heart healthy and cholesterol friendly). And I feel that the pricing isn't too bad for the quality provided. For 2 pax, 5 times in a week (20 in a month), it's 428SGD and you get 3 dishes + 1 soup. That adds up to about 21SGD per day for 2 people. http://www.momscooking.com.sg

Pricing is a bit high for daily meal. I think around $12-15/day is more affordable.

I'm using https://www.selectcatering.com.sg/tingkat-packages/ now but recenlty I ordered a mini buffet from https://lexincatering.com.sg/project/mini-buffet/ through a friend recommendation and i'm satisfied with the food. I shall give their tingkat a trial and update u guys. hehe

Just wondering, how was select catering?

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-2044)

I love Xin Yi Pin Tingkat as the food variety is very wide and yummy. However, they only deliver to certain areas, you may want to call up to check if your area is within the coverage. http://www.xinyipin.com.sg/

I ordered mine from Le xin catering & I like their soup. U can try their trial 1st c if u like. https://lexincatering.com.sg/project/tingkat/

https://www.facebook.com/520637007986014/posts/1949481425101558/ Halal and healthy.


Try FOODLINE tingkat portal in singapore www.foodline.sg
