10 Replies

yes! its very normal. hahahhaa i used to be able to sleep with aircon+fan but during my 1st trimester, i was so cold that i only on the fan and still feeling cold. Now at 3rd trimester, it will be completely different, i on both aircon and fan+another fan. its super hot cuz baby is big already and they have body heat too......

Here are some ways to stay warm when feeling cold during pregnancy. https://sg.theasianparent.com/safe-ways-to-warm-up-when-feeling-cold-during-pregnancy

First trimester too! Yes weather is chilly recently. I'm very sensitive to the cold too. Stay warm!

thank u! good to know I'm not alone! :D stay warm and healthy too!

So glad to read this post because I’m also feeling cold at 10 weeks ✌️

Yes i am in my 6th week and feeling cold since yesterday 😋

Yes I used to wear a full sleeves and sleep at night.

VIP Member

Me no .. but it’s also due to hormonal changes

u will feel hot in the last trimester

yes me! gynae also said its normal


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