Sex doll in marriage

Does anybody’s husband has a sex doll or is it only just mine? My husband, who has a high sex drive, recently bought a sex doll to spice up our sex life. Before he bought, he did ask my thoughts on sex dolls. I told him it’s weird to play with one when we’re having sex. I also told him that it is as though he is not satisfied with me that he feels the need to use sex doll to “spice up our sex life”. He disregarded my opinion and bought it anyway, saying that he bought it for me (it’s a female sex doll), which I personally thought the doll is actually more for him. I don’t have a great body, big boobs and whatnot. It hurts thinking my husband is not satisfied with what he has (me) in our sex life. He asked me the other night if he could ride on the doll to test it. He did afterwards. I just feel like I lost respect for him. If you’re going to say, “well, at least he’s not cheating on you”, that’s not the issue. It just speaks volume about an underlying problem in him. That he’s not satisfied with me and my body. In this pandemic where everyone is trying to be prudent in their expenses, he spent hundreds on this doll. Furthermore, he seems to be invested in the doll, watching tutorials how to put makeup on the doll, lubricating the doll’s skin, etc. I don’t know if I have patience to be with him anymore. Here I am trying to be a better Muslim woman, there he is focusing on worldly things.

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How about getting a dildo and play infront of him when he rides on the doll? And if he react the same way as you then u can tell him that’s how you feel. But since he’s investing the doll, he might have some psychological issue so I also worry if he might enjoy seeing u using dildo. May be you go see a psychiatrist to discuss about your husband to understand their abnormalities. May be it’s his hormones unbalance.

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