Does any of your baby has sensitive nose and running nose with either clear or green mucus very often? Are there any natural remedies to cure? I feel like give zrytec medicine, nasal spray or Illadin is not good for long time.

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You can use Nasoclear. It is safe as it just saline water. I use Nasoclear for my daughter. Also, try giving him steam. For this you can have the baby in your lap and yourself also inhale. This way, he will take steam easily.

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I use Sterimar together with pigeon nose cleaner. On top of that do keep your bedroom clean, change your sheets regularly as well as dry clean your curtains more often. Use an air purifier in the room to remove dust, it'll be better if it came with humidifier so can moist the air and baby's breathing can be smoother. I know of 2-in-1 which can be quite pricey.

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Sterimar Nasal Spray is safe for daily use while medicated Illadin is not. You can clear baby's nose daily in the morning using Sterimar. If he/she has mucus, you can use NoseFrida to clear it. If your baby is prone to having runny nose try to let baby to sleep in non-aircon room at night.

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I started using the Bio cair which helps to disinfect the baby's room and cleaning often would help with the sensitive nose.
