The part where they need to insert the induce medication hurts and also the dilation checks. not gonna lie, it hurts. My contractions started abt an hour after I got induced. I held on for about 8-9hrs before I got my epi. When I'm about to deliver they had to reduce the epi and the contractions were really painful.
Inducing is done before epidural and epidural can only be given when you’re at least 3 or 4 cm dilated. It does not work the same for everyone, my inducing process was painless except for the contractions part before I had any pain reliefs given. Once epidural is in, pretty much no pain.
I got epidural then induced. induce can only happen if you're already slightly dilated. since I'm on epidural I didn't really hurt while waiting to be fully dilated. but nearer the end, the contractions still hurt like dull aches. extremely uncomfortable.
Epi is not painful, they will inject the anesthesia. So dun worry, pls worry the checking of dilation… more painful then the wound itself 😨.
I had induction and initially i tried not to have epidural. But hell broke loose and i was begging for epidural 😆