36 Replies
Just to add on my personal experience; my son had bad reflux when he was a newborn so he was puking out a lot. It had helped when I burp him every few minutes during feeding & also to feed him lesser but within a shorter interval. It was tiring to do the above but definitely much better than cleaning after his pukes.
Yes! It is important to burp baby especially newborn after every feeding to help them get rid of the wind in the stomach. Baby will suck in air when they are nursing or drinking from bottles. Excess air in their small stomach will make them feel uncomfortable or bloated. It can also lead to spitting or vomiting of milk.
Like what Evelyn said, it is important to burp a baby after feeding to get rid of some of the air that babies may have swallowed during feeding. Just to add on, it is also good to keep baby in an upright position for around 15mins after feeding to prevent milk from coming back up.
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Yes dear if not ur little one will feel uncomfortable with gas in the stomach and it's not good too
Please have a look into this https://sg.theasianparent.com/burping-breastfed-baby
Hi. You can read more here: https://sg.theasianparent.com/burping-your-baby
Of course you should burp the baby every time you feed your baby
Every time you feed your baby you should burp your baby.