4 Các câu trả lời

My father and grandfather are devotees of Nazareno. My grandma attends El Shaddai. But here I am, being a devotee to none and they still accept me for who I am. Probably because they know that I still believe in God and that's more than enough. I think for as long as your faith to God the Father is strong, or if you believe in Universe, I think that tells something about you that deems you a lowly follower to one Higher Being

None of us in the family is a devotee of any religious icon, although my mom is a church volunteer and she is very prayerful. Ako naman, regular RC lang. But I religiously attend the Feast naman, no icon in particular nga lang. It's the belief that matters to me more than praising any icon or saint.

I am a Catholic but not really a devotee, but my grandfather is. I think it's best that we still educate our kids on the different saints and religious traditions in our country. The most important thing is that my child grows up to become God-fearing and prayerful.

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