Do you know any good parenting books that have recently been published?

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Have you read the book series by Adam Mansbach? He wrote hilarious, tongue in cheek (but soooo true) books with provocative titles like "Go the F**k to Sleep" and "You have to f***ing eat". Basically, they are "bedtime stories" for parents who are having the occasional hard time dealing with their kids. They are satirical so you're not meant to take them seriously but they are a good laugh! I love that they are written from a dad's perspective and it's an ode to any frustrated, sleepless parent out there that wants to admit that parenting is not always rainbows and butterflies. His books are profane yet affectionate, and radically honest all at once. Mansbach opens up a conversation about parenting, allowing his readers the permission to admit their frustrations and laugh at their absurdities. Highly recommended! It's not too recent though, published in 2011-ish but I've recently read it myself and it's too good not to share.***-to-sleep

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