4 Replies

Although no data is available on women receiving beauty and hair treatments while pregnant, it is known that little of the chemicals would actually be absorbed into the bloodstream. BUT if you are hesitant (very good reason to be), you can avoid treatments that involve the scalp because these can be absorbed into the bloodstream and in the long run, affect the baby as well as breastmilk. Alot of mommies choose to avoid such chemical hair treatments till after the birth. Some even wait till they are done breastfeeding. Consider alternatives like having highlights put in your hair because the dye is only placed on strands of your hair and does not touch the scalp. This way, the skin does not absorb the chemicals into the bloodstream. As for facials, the UV light used are generally safe for surface but my friends limited the number of facials when they were pregnant just to be safe. That being said, if you're unsure, wait till after pregnancy. There are organic DIY masks and facials you can find online to try.

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While there haven’t been any conclusive studies done, most healthcare providers will suggest waiting to color or perm hair until after the first trimester, minimizing any possible effect on the developing fetus. In addition, changing your hair color or texture can be a smelly business, and sensitivity to fumes is usually at its peak during the first trimester. Below link explains more of the pros and cons when comes to doing certain treatment while pregnant. http://www.babble.com/pregnancy/salon-spa-treatments-safety/ I would say, wait till you are over with the first trimester

Regarding hair colouring/treatments, I've personally done my hair when I was 2 weeks away from my due date. I bleached and coloured my hair and the only uncomfortable part about the entire process was my bum hurting because I had to sit for so long. I had asked my gynae prior to this if it's safe for myself and the unborn baby and I got chuckled at! He gave me the go-ahead and so I did ;)

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