Do certain food cravings point to certain baby genders? Ppl have been saying sweet means boy, salty means girl. but others also told me the reverse. Which is true?

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I have been told sweet means girl. I don't think it's true. I'm having girl and I have no craving for sweet stuff at all.

Not true! I craved alot of stuff when i was pregnant. Sweet and salty! Baby came out a boy 😊

Our cravings has more to do with what vitamins and minerals our body is lacking.

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Totally a myth. Just wait until you're 5 mos pregnant to know the gender of the baby.

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Not true. I’m craving sweet and salty leh 😂With my girl, i crave spicy food

Not true..I sometimes crave sweet, salty, and sour food 😄

I'm also keen to know! Haha! Is it really accurate?? :P


None of it is true. It just a craving btw.. 😅

Not true. I'm craving to all of that. Hahahaha