Did you want to know the gender of your baby when you were conceiving or you waited until the baby came out?

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I waited until the baby was born, even now but the father would like us to go for a scan to see the sex of the baby

I wanted to know I like had to know lol I dont know how people do it not knowing I would go nuts 🤣🤣

I really want to know the gender of my baby but i chose to wait until i give birth (precious gift)😍🤩

I'm dying to know my baby gender I hope when I'm going next month on the scan they can be able to tell me

We are very excited to know so when the opportunity becomes available we will find out what sex it is.

We want to know before its born . This month im 7months so can't wait for the doctors appointment.

I feel knowing before the baby comes is better, easier to prepare for. We find out June 6th 😁

Always had a dream holding a baby boy,then we were curious went to a scan then it's a boy

My grandmother had already told me that it was a girl and I never bothered to check😊