7 Replies

I took it religiously everyday 2 pills from week 7 until about 5th month. after that while I don't actively vomit but I still feel nausea and cannot really eat much so I still ate 1 a day so my stomach doesn't feel too uncomfortable and I can eat. then I cut down to only weekdays and now every other day. currently at 30 weeks. the doctor said is it usual to still need to eat it so far along in the pregnancy, and it's a class B drug so it's ok to consume in pregnancy. I think it's more important for me to feel ok and not nausea and able to eat food to nourish my body and grow my baby, so I am all for taking diclectin as long as I need it.

I used to consume Diclectin religiously since Trimester 1 cos my morning sickness was so bad. I couldn't keep anything down my throat at all. Even water. My husband got me a big bottle of Pocari Sweat and it got better, but only for a day or two. Afterwhich, i just tahan till now. I am still vomitting at week 33 but, only if i eat too full or drink too much water. I have a list of food items that isn't allowed to consume cos baby hated it. Like eggs, cheese, yellow egg noodle, pancakes, and the list goes on. I wish you all the best and hang in there dear mummy! I know you can do it!

My vomitting only got worse from 1st tri so I took it daily before I sleep till Wk 21. I tried stopping it in Wk 20 for 1 or 2 days but I couldnt keep food in so I continued taking it and tried to stop using trial and error method. Finally could stop totally in Wk 22. Hope yours will not last as long as mine 😥

I pretty much relied on it until the 2nd trimester, where I feel much better. My nausea only occurs during the evening time onwards 😂 Slowly mummy! Hopefully your nausea goes away soon 😊

I only took on n off when i felt really horrible. But i didnt really vomit much so it wasnt that bad. I would tink if really cannot, better to just take

Yea same I was thinking of stopping diclectin but have not gotten the courage to down titrate my dose. I am at 15 wks and still taking everyday.

I still take it now and 2nd trim

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