4d Ultrasound
Did anyone did 4d ultrasound in Singapore? How much does it cost? Because i very interested in doing it but not sure where and the price. Thank you
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Influencer của TAP
I had my 4d scan when my doctor did the test for me at 4 months or 6 month sorry cant rmb correctly it was to check baby bone structure and i was charge normal rate for scanning.
Influencer của TAP
I had my 4d scan when my doctor did the test for me at 4 months or 6 month sorry cant rmb correctly it was to check baby bone structure and i was charge normal rate for scanning.
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I think you can do it at Thomson Medical Centre but you will need a doctor’s referral. It will cost more than $400.
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5y trước
Yes. KKH doesn’t have. It’s only the private hospitals like Raffles Hospital and Thomson Medical.
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