Maternity Insurance

Did anyone buy Great Eastern’s Flexi Maternity Cover? If you did, can you share if GE requested for additional reports such as 20 weeks detailed scan, 32 weeks growth report and a questionnaire to be completed by your gynae?

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Hello. Yes as for mine they did ask! But i didnt go through with it as its quite a hassle. I think its due to a history of u claiming with them? Because as for me, my agent explain its due to my history with the claim report ive done with them. Prolly u can get ur insurance agent to explain to why they need the reports?

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Yes they asked for my 2nd pregnancy but not 1st one. Maybe due to my declaration of existing conditions in 2nd pregnancy or as i wanted to buy after 21st week

Manulife has a stand-alone maternity plan too.

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I bought! They didn't ask for them!

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Nope. Did you asked why it’s required?

6y trước

Thanks for your reply. It seems they noticed I have a fibroid in one of my earlier reports or it could be because i applied for it much later in my pregnancy - around week 30.

Nope they didn ask


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