2 Replies

It is advisable to reduce walking, rest more and avoid carrying heavy things if you have low lying placenta~ In some cases, it may move up. However, some mummies experience it all the way till birth, which then would call for a C-Sect as the placenta is covering the cervix opening, making it difficult for natural birth. Low lying placenta may cause bleeding/ spotting so do keep a look out too! I had low lying placenta, but I was lucky as my gynae found out at week 8. Was put on bed rest for 2.5 months. I would really suggest that you avoid walking as much as possible. Oh, and no intimacy! Hahaha! But in overall, it shouldn't be a big concern~ Jiayous! 😊

Maybe you can let your gynae know that your workplace is far and lots of walking is required! Should be okay to get HL. Take care! 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️

Yes, usually it will move up as pregnancy progresses. For now, limit your movements as it will cause some bleeding.

Thank you!

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