4 Các câu trả lời

I see specialist at private hospital for both pregnancy. The price should be the same for a normal monthly checkup unless you request for some detail scan etc or your gynae prescribe some medicine or get extra checkup (injection, test blood or whatsoever) by your gynae. But i never heard that the price will increase as baby grow older. Maybe you should try to ask different clinic if possible?

Not sure if the price increase monthly but when the baby turns to the next trimester different kind of scan will be prefered to use like 2D then 3D to 5D thats why the price increase. I did my 2D for Rm110 at 12weeks. as i know 5D cost Rm240 for 30weeks plus called details scan.

hmm never heard of that before. for repeat scan 2D (monthly check up) usually it cost the same. unless u r going for the detail scan or 4D/5D then price might differ. maybe u can try to visit other clinics for comparison.

First time I heard of this. From my experience, 2D scan at private clinic are the same price regardless of baby age.

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