4 Replies

If u are worried that yr baby is suffer from constipation, can try using a cotton bud dipped in coconut oil and swipe at the butt area, then gently slide it in and try to push abit on the side of the hole and wait awhile. Helps to make him feel like pooping.. don’t let the poop harden too long inside and baby will suffer... I did on my gal when she 3rd day no sign of pooping. It works

Hi mummy, don’t panic yet! It’s actually normal. My mixed feed baby once went 2 or 3 days without pooping. But careful, his next poop will be massive. Hahah! I had to put a waterproof mat under him while he poop just in case it gets to his bed. Think my niece once did not poop for almost a week. Fully bf baby though. But I’m not sure how long is considered normal.

Hello mummy, is normal for babies not to pass motion the duration will be up to a week not passing motion. You can try applying ru yi oil on the stomach circular motion gently

Try friso.

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