8 Replies

Super Mum

Congrats:) I breastfed even while on tramadol. So if you still have pain and need to take it, go ahead okay? As for breast milk, it takes time for the supply to build up. I took a month to get enough for my baby, and I only have 1 baby to feed 😅 Took a lot of perseverence to latch on demand, pump in between, drink loads of fluids, try to eat well and get some rest, on top of caring for baby. Don’t stress yourself, take it slowly, and top up with formula for now if you need to. No shame in that. Congrats again, dear:)

Thank you so much dearest.. it's consoling

VIP Member

Congratulations. Breastmilk will take a while to come. It doesn’t come immediately. Mine took about 4 days. For now, you will produce colostrum which is important to your babies too. For milk to come faster, do lots of bare skin to skin contact, do regular latching to stimulate the glands etc. Seek advice early from a lactation consultation on how to latch your babies. It will help you greatly!

Thank you so much dearest ❤️. Truly appreciate..

VIP Member

Congratulations mommy 🎉 Don't worry it's normal most of the moms do not produce milk at beginning..after 4 days my milk started to come..my location consultant gave me a powder which is supposed to drink with milk I had it for 3 days milk started to form ..you may consult lactation consultant.. Do not worry eat healthy and nutritious food you will produce milk naturally

Thank you so much dearest ❤️. It's consoling

Try letting your baby to latch on for about 5 mins everytime during feed. And massage your breast oftenly.. You can find video on youtube on how to stimulate..

Mine only came 4 days later. Juz latch regularly to send signals to ur body. Don be stress as it will affect.

Thank you so much dearest..

It will take awhile to come , meanwhile u can try direct latching and use fm first

pump every 2-3hrly, u might not get any initially but slowly it will come

no worries! after your supply comes in, u should maintain it by pumping 120mins per day! :)



Thank you so much dearest

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