High risk for T21
Dear mummies , anyone has similar result as me but NIPT low risk? Waiting for results.....a bit nervous now ...

Mine was in similar range as well, nipt came out low risk. Baby born healthily and now she’s a happy 5 months old. I know it’s hard but try not to stress yourself up :)
Mine was 1:37 for T21 when I received the report. But everything was okay and my healthy second born is 1 year old now. Don worry. It will be fine.
I have intermediate risk for T21, waiting for my NIPT results & scared. Praying that both of our results come clear 🤞
don't worry! my friend had almost the same range but she took NIPT and everything was okay. baby born healthy too!!
tks mummy !!!!,😄
yes me. now my bb is healthy and happy 5 month old
thank u mummy for the comforting words 🙂,💕💕💕