High risk for T21

Dear mummies , anyone has similar result as me but NIPT low risk? Waiting for results.....a bit nervous now ...

High risk for T21
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Mine was in similar range as well, nipt came out low risk. Baby born healthily and now she’s a happy 5 months old. I know it’s hard but try not to stress yourself up :)

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Mine was 1:37 for T21 when I received the report. But everything was okay and my healthy second born is 1 year old now. Don worry. It will be fine.

2y trước

Hi! Riding on the post, after getting 1:37, did you do nipt to confirm for low risk?

I have intermediate risk for T21, waiting for my NIPT results & scared. Praying that both of our results come clear 🤞

don't worry! my friend had almost the same range but she took NIPT and everything was okay. baby born healthy too!!

3y trước

tks mummy !!!!,😄

yes me. now my bb is healthy and happy 5 month old

3y trước

thank u mummy for the comforting words 🙂,💕💕💕