I quit my job to look after my firstborn full time. It’s exhausting running after her at times but I love spending time with her. I get to see her antics and laugh silly with her. Sometimes I lose my head when she doesn’t want to drink milk or eat but I take a deep breath, say a silent prayer for strength and patience and tell myself she’s just a baby, my baby.
I’m currently pregnant too, 19 weeks and tired as hell. I am always grouchy, moody, irritated and always hot all the time. I get angry at myself for not drinking enough water, I worry I can’t feel any movements yet, sometimes I get headache and I have to record my BP for this pregnancy. I also have MS at times until now. I dread cranky days by my firstborn, which can’t be helped cause she doesn’t know anything. I think stick to a routine and follow through to make life easier for both of you. As for your workplace, I think the only way is to endure it with an open mind as this phase is only temporary. It’ll get better in 2nd trimester onwards. Take care Mummy, remember to take a step back and breathe whenever you feel overwhelmed.