4 Replies

I was the same! And then after eating the full meal, i hv throat stuck in feeling till i cannot take it hv to force puke out to feel better. U try hv smaller meals but eat more frequently:) just eat wat u can, dont pressure urself!

Omg yes the throat stuck i cannot take that it's so bad!😖 I'm taking smaller meals/portions now and so far i feel better. Thank you dear for sharing💕

Break your meals up by portioning them out. :) I ate very little in my first trimester due to morning sickness but it did get a lot better when my meals were broken down into smaller pockets.

Yes i'm doing that now! You're right i feel so much better. Thank you so much💕

Have more small meals. Allow urself to take more healthy snacks that are god for you and baby. Fruits, carrots are good choices.

Doing that now and so much better! Thank you so much for the tips💕

I experience the same thing too. I think it is normal. Try to have small meals throughout the day. It might help.

I'm doing that now! You're right it helps a lot. I'm happy i can eat eventho i get hungry again shortly after hahaha. Thank you so much dear💕

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