4 Replies

I was unable to breast feed my child due to 2nd degree tear... nurses at kkh was very good and they told me that they will help to formula fed the baby. The next day the nurse brought a pumping machine and i tried but was unsuccessful ...again they told me its ok not to worry n formula fed the baby. For some of us the milk only comes in later. Im thankful that the nurses was very encouraging for us to breast fed the baby, in the event that we couldnt formula was given. My daughter is 4 yrs old very healthy n rarely falls sick

I also felt stress whenever the nurse comes in.. i m not used to handling babies n my baby was only 2.5! And my ger also not gd at latching n my right nipple was latched until it was black! I kena frm lactation nurse (n she was fierce). My ger is now 2mth plus on mixed feed because im struggling wif bm. I believe u hv alr done ur best.. we always hv the guilt in us n tinking we r not doing the best..

i feel like you’re doing your best for her already. and fed is best, doesn’t matter BF or formula. don’t beat yourself up over this mummy :)

Don't be too hard on yourself mum. You are doing the best you can for your baby

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