3 Replies

My pov, the no outside food rules is more to prevent unnecessary contamination and also, if touch wood someone were to get food poisoning, it’s no end if everyone were to bring in little foods. At 4yo, most probably already weaned off home brought food and is able to consume outside food so I feel that it’s not fair to compare baby’s milk and young toddler’s home brought food. Most toddlers that requires home cooked food are generally those 1yos & below yes? You cannot stop babies and young toddlers (1) from wanting to feed because they don’t know when is an appropriate place/time which is why babies milk/snacks for babies/young toddlers are allowed onboard on public transport (I checked with the smrt staff before and above is exactly what he replied me). Of course, I understand your stand as a parent but I felt that you can explain the situation to your LO, maybe let her know that she can have cupcakes later when mummy and daddy are done or she can try out the desserts with you guys. Otherwise distract her with something else rather than being insistent on finishing the cupcake (and all parties won’t enjoy the food as well).

No means no. It’s stated and you knew it. It’s a teachable moment for your child that there are different rules in different places, and you need to respect them all, if not, you can always choose the alternatives. Why do you even argue about baby milk? Are you serious? It’s out of goodwill that Mcd offered you a seat, but you can’t be expecting others to do the same. Kopitiam didn’t break any rules, you were the one who failed to follow.

I’m sure the staff from kopitiam was upset too, having to handle the situation when the rule is being clearly displayed. I wouldn’t expect “flexibility” from others, especially strangers, they have absolutely no obligation towards my family at all. There’s a Chinese saying 帮你是情分,不帮你是本分. If I were you, I would tell my child that I’m so proud of her for being able to compromise in such situation at such young age. Or maybe suggest her to be flexible in choosing a snack from kopitiam.


gosh! my opinion too rigid

So meaning to say, children can take advantage and not follow rules, create unnecessary problem for the working staff? Self entitled much?

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