My daughter vomited right after taking her medicine (she was crying so hard that she ended up upsetting her tummy). Does this mean I have to repeat the dose?

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Give it a 15 to 30-minute interval and see if she throws up again. You can gauge it if your child's tummy is a bit better already. If your child already know how talk, you can ask how she's feeling and you can gauge if she's ready to take in the medicine.

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I think the length of time between ingestion and vomiting is worth noting. If it had time to settle in her stomach, it might be safe to play it by ear instead of forcing more on her for the time being.

Yes. But not right away or she'll end up vomitting again. Ater 30 minutes, you may try to repeat the dose just make sure she's not too full before giving it again.

My dad used to tell me that whenever the meds spilled or has been vomited, I'll go for another dose but be careful in gauging how much she needs more.

Give the meds after an hour. If you give her another dose right away, she might throw up again.