3 Replies

At 5 yo, she is rather expressive and I see that she is purposely doing all the naughty things to get your attention. She does the opposite coz her teachers love and praise her the way she does the right way. However, maybe she felt that if she does naughty ways, parents will scold her (in a way giving her the due attention). I will affirm and hug the child daily. When fighting or snatching occurs, dont interfere immediately unless there are foresee injuries. Sit both children down and ask them what is not right. My 5 yo also snatched things from her bro, 3 yo. I watched and then intervened by asking what was not right and what was good. Always affirm the children and then tell them whats not good and what parents would like to see next time. Ultimately, they just wanted us to love them. So everyday, we will kiss and hug them.

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U know, at the end of the day, she's still 5, and thats really young. Things will get better as she grows older.

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