My 2.6 year old coughing fit

Daughter is having coughs and fever, at times coughing fit till she vomits out her food intake and milk. Any advise on how to deal with the cough? Thank you

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have you seen a doctor already? the honey wrap remedy ( works for my girl. not all the time, but 80% of the time. we will paste it on her at night before her nap and she will seem to sleep better and cough lesser. also avoid chicken and cold food.

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Did you see a doctor? Is she still having fever? Cough is always worrying and it takes longer to go away ...since the cough is troubling her so much it’s best to see a doctor to make sure all is good with her throat and the lungs are clear. Meanwhile give her lots of warm wAter and avoid cold food n drinks.

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Hi, you can try making a special “lemonade” of warm water with some lemon juice and a few tablespoons of honey. Generally, warm fluids, like broth or warm apple cider can help.

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Hi... you might wanna try some of the remedies suggested in this article

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Birds nest helps, try and avoid fried and overly sugary food too.

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go for nebulizer helps alot for my son too...