6 Replies

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She's at an age where imagination starts flowing, and it is something that most kids will learn how to do - but of course, not very healthy to let it continue long-term! This might be helpful: https://www.babycenter.com/404_why-does-my-toddler-lie_6829.bc

Children's basically check how smart my parents are. If you caught the lie, then they feel guilty about it and if you can't their expression are changed and feel happy. 95% children lies are caught so from that situations the child learn word "Sorry"

Either they don't yet have a concept or wrong and right, or they're shrewd enough to see how far they can push you. May be a smart kid! 😁

VIP Member

they dont know what is right and wrong. we just have to guide and teach

VIP Member

Coz they are the best actors n good narrators:) ha ha


not knowing it should not be done 😟

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