4 Replies

VIP Member

Hi... yup. Agreed with you that it’s a bad habit that you’re daughter need a walk in the park to fall asleep. You should try some of the methods suggested in this article. https://sg.theasianparent.com/useful-tips-how-to-get-your-baby-to-sleep

VIP Member

i dont think it is a bad habit. still young and needs a lot of assurance. give baby some time. to be frank up till my girl now, she is able to sleep herself even when she sticks to me that time

VIP Member

My boy was like that too, but with babywearing. End up i played baby white noises from YouTube and he slowly learn that by sleeping on the bed and listening to this son will make him sleep..

VIP Member

We hired a sleep trainer. Best investment ever

May I know where to hire?

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