What to eat for supper?
Currently keep getting hungry at night till I can't slp..either that or I can sleep and wake up in the middle of the night feeling hungry!! What to eat for supper? How to eat healthily? #pleasehelp #advicepls

Hi! For a quick fix, I will fry myself an egg (fully-cooked) and sandwiched between 2 pieces of bread (buttered). So hungry that my stomach was growling when I went to bed. And eventually vomit out clear liquid so I made myself a quick light supper. That’s also my to-go quick fix for breakfast lunch dinner. Lol. You can also keep some cans of tuna for a quick tuna sandwich, eat some leftover dinner, 2 pcs of bread with hot milo, bread with PBJ, add in some ready-to-eat salad and for dressing, I keep a bottle of kewpie roasted sesame dressing. Can also make some egg mayo and keep in the fridge. I also have hotdogs to add into my salad at times. Whatever you make, just don’t go for the instant noodles.. haha. But it would be better if you avoid supper altogether, and get more rest for the night. Eat a balanced meal for dinner and drink plenty of water as well. Snack on fruits or salad before bed if you’re still hungry.
Read moreI would drink a glass of soya bean milk or hot cereal! I can't lie down right after eating solid food so I opt for fluids instead:)
oh I haven't tried cereal!! thanks so much!
try toast spread with honey and banana slices, chocolate bread or apples .. i enjoy having apples for supper :)
wow thanks!! the toast spread with honey and banana really sounds so appetising! but I have been eating alot of bread and biscuits and that is what worries me! Pardon me, first pregnancy here.
I'll usually take an apple for supper 😉