2 Replies

Me! I experienced that sharp pain for the first time yesterday. Its my second day today. I was awoken by that sharp pain. It goes on and off. Not to frighten you, I went back to my gynae and she suspect appendicitis at first but used ultrasound on that area, no bleeding nothing, all normal. I was sent home with MC to monitor and stool softener. The pain barely subsided. I can barely move and am now walking like a toad. Well if pain worsens, have to return for more tests, can't do CT at this point so was told by gynae may need to use other tests. On the bright side, baby was fine, no vaginal bleeding etc. My first baby too, which was why hubby was worried and got me to go back to gynae for a check.

it won’t reduce until second trimester. have to just keep spitting out. that was the worst symptom i had

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