⭐️ Answered ⭐️ Week 5, Spotting

Question: Hello, currently I'm on week 5 and it's my first pregnancy. After I use the toilet, I will dry my down area. And I saw a slightly brown spotting. At the same time, I was doing the pregnancy test again. Is this normal? Solution: The next day after creating this post, I went to the nearest trustable clinic to consult. Doctor said image attached is not spotting, it is a discharged which might caused by the implantation process. He said, it is normal and nothing to worry about. But it is best to come back in next 3 - 4 weeks (week 8 of pregnancy) to do ultrasound to ensure it's a normal pregnancy instead of ectopic. Thank you everyone 💕 #firsttimemom #advicepls #ingintahu

⭐️ Answered ⭐️
Week 5, Spotting
5 Các câu trả lời
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It's normal sis.. Jgn bce sgt komen negatif if ade y komen negatif. Jumpa doktor dulu pape pon.. Nti doktor sendiri akn ckp normal.. Then mgkin doktor suggest utk bedrest ke apa mcm tu la.. Stay calm ok dear😊

2y trước

Kan betul x sy ckp.. Kdg org y komen dalam ni lebih dari doktor pengetahuannya haha tp buat kita rse panic.. Alhmdulillah moga baby kita sihat dan lahir dengan sempurna tahun depan sis.. #teambabyOgos

Saya pun alami sama macam sis..3-4 hari juga..dr cakap normal je dan suruh say bedrest kalau boleh..check baby semua elok ada heartbeat dah..saya baru 7 minggu..kena discharge mcm ni masa awal2 6 week haritu

2y trước

Aah tulaa sebab tu saya risau sgt..memacam fikir siap nanges..sekarang dah 8 weeks dah takde apa dah keputihan pun takde sis..normal je..baby pun elok je lega betul 🤭 dr ckp saya punya mungkin baki sisa last period tak habis keluar..semoga urusan kita dipermudahkan sis..risau betul anak first ni hehe 😂

sama mcm sy time 6w prgnt aritu. sy buat checkup dgn doc pakar o&g, then dia ckp normal if keputihan jadi pinky sbb masih dlm proses penempelan pd dinding rahim.

2y trước

Itulah tu, saya baru tahu proses penempelan akan ada discharged warna pink pink. Terima kasih reply dan semoga urusan dipermudahkan ya 😊

Saya pun mengalami spotting yang sama dalam gambar. Tak banyak tapi seminggu tu ada juga dalam 2-3x. Doc pun kata normal tapi itu lah kita risau kan 😅

2y trước

kita terlebih risau sebab kita bukan pakar dalam bidang ni 🤣

Influencer của TAP

Spotting in early stages of pregnancy is not normal. Samada sebab proses penempelan atau ancaman keguguran. Jumpa doktor utk pengesahan

2y trước

Most welcome, take a good care and health ya!