Currently 29 weeks, when to kkh for check up doctor said baby head is up instead of down. Probably take times to turn. But was told if by 36/37weeks baby head is still up i have to go for c-sec.. i really wanted to do normal birth.. any idea what i can do to make the baby turn down? Like walk more, squad? Or??

Hi! You can try to incorporate gentle yoga moves or exercises if you can manage. Do it slowly or get someone to help you if you're not confident. I've included a sample video for your reference. all the best!
Talk to baby. Mine was like that too but eventually at 32 weeks scan, baby head down alrdy but still got chance of baby turning head up again. I walk alot, always talk to baby to keep his head down.
Hi... you might find this article informative
i have that experience too u may talk to your baby and pray may everything goes smoothly mommy!
Try to bow from kneeling position so that forehead touches floor for a few minutes, oftenly.