c sect or induce

hi all. Just curious which is better C sec or induce labour is better ?????

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Definitely natural birth. Ask a doctor who is your friend or family, they will tell you the same, because better for both mum and baby. Baby goes through birth canal, gets all the good bacteria, comes out with better immune system. C sect babies get wet lungs. Now alot of doctors are not as ethical as before. All cos of $$. Doctors pro c sect cos they earn more, they can work according to their time table and they earn more through their fees, medical theatre fees etc. Of course doctors will tell you c sect better. Salute the pro natural doctors who really cares for patients. Only c sect when baby or mum is at danger, but not by choice. Boycott those doctors who pro c sect.

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I was induced for all 3 of my pregnancies. First 2 i had normal births but the 3rd one, my baby’s heartbeat dropped whenever i had contractions. So i had to do the emergency c sect. I agree with one of the parent who replied you. “It’s not about which is better. It’s about your baby and your condition” Because both have pros and cons. Like for me. I had problems after i did a c sect. I suddenly had high blood pressure. Which made me have a slight depression after😖

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When you get induced but the process is too long or baby in a stuck position, you’ll be asked to do c-section. In that case, you’ll end up with both c-section wound and normal delivery wound (as normally mother would be dilated alr). I think about this for a long time on which one is better c-sect or induce but in the end I don’t get to choose for myself as me and baby’s condition are not feasible to get induced. The best one is the safest option for both.

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Last time people study medicine to help people, good profession. Now parents or kids want them to be doctors, because you will be rich. Study hard, become doctor, you will be rich. Then doctors are all blood suckers. Look at the advertisement cost doctors pay to Google ad companies, some more than 1.5million sgd a year. Its rare and hard to find a good doctors nowadays, so always seek second opinion with a friend or relative

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Depending on quite abit of factors which is more of importance to you. C sec alittle more expensive but body wise, other than the visible scar near bikini line not much huge changes else where. For me C sec recovery is not as scary as what was portrayed. Even after the anesthesia, the pain is bearable. At least still can pee and poo without pain.

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I dont know about better. I had an induce labour. I was told on the eleventh hour that I might have to go for c sect which I fought against it with the hardest push in my life. I just don’t feel confortable going under the knife with a choice.

depends on ur condition..if u can induce of coz choose induce better.. i tried induce for 12hrs, bb stuck cannot come out and at the end csec, gynae said cannot wait further later both mum n bb will be in danger..

If you ask to someone who has had a c sect, of course they will say it's better. And the same for induce labour. Both have it's pros and cons so it really depends on individuals and also on what your gynae suggests

4y trước

There's no pro about c sect, only cons. C sect more exp, baby lesser natural immune system. Recovery time longer, and you got a scar. It's not natural.

induce better... heal faster.. mine was emergency c-sect...so healing takes longer.. planning to get pregnant again but doc advise after 1 year then can...😒😒

i think it depends on individual mum and baby’s condition. don’t think there’s a standard ‘better’ option