5 Các câu trả lời

Is it mild or severe? If your child's sunburn has blistering and he/she feels pain and itching, I suggest you bring her to the doctor already to provide necessary treatment. Researched some natural remedies for mild sunburn (which often has redness and warmth but not swelling and blistering) and some medical articles suggest a cool (not a cold) bath would help ease the redness and discomfort. Make sure to also keep your child hydrated and always let him/her wear protective covers when going outside to prevent the sunburn from getting worse.

Aloe vera creams and natural aloe vera juice can help ease the pain of peeling due to sunburn but kids have different skin types so I would suggest to have your kids checked by their pedia/derma first so as to be sure and to also prevent possible side effects of using homemade remedies or over-the-counter topical creams. Some kids also have allergies that are yet to be known so it is better to play safe than be sorry. :)

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Aloe vera creams and lotions work best for sunburn; it soothes damaged skin. If you have natural aloe that you can apply on the skin, even better.

For sunburn, my grandmother uses the juice/gel of the aloe vera plant. It has a cooling effect on the skin, and it's very soothing. :)

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