World's Strictest Parent.

Hi, could anyone contact me. cuz i would like to put my rebellious little brother who is only 15 onto the world's strictest parents show,cuz hid not giving any form of respect to this family, and he apparently treats this house like a bloody hotel for him to come and goes as he wishes. He goes to school just to sleep,and he smokes and mixed around with bad companies. He scolded vulgarities towards my mother,and he insist us on giving him money without telling us why are we giving him the money for and he threathen to beat us. He keeps my mother awake all night knowing that she have work the next day,and he doesnt comes home to tell time that he gave us. My mother is getting really exhausted from scolding him repeatedly... and its heartbreaking to see my mother going through all this bullshit just a that boy... I want my mother to get more rest than what she is getting now.Please to whoever is filming this show,contact me... we are in desperate need of help to cure this little boy.

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Super Mom

This is really a difficult situation for you and your family. There are many possible reasons why he is like that. Might be from the bad influence? When did he start to become so rebellious? Do you and your family understand him well? Know who is his best friend etc? For now, I doubt he will follow your instructions to go on "World's strictest parent" or listen to a counsellor. However, I think you can seek professional help from Fei Yue community to ask what can your family do to help him.

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Is there anything that he does not like but is being forced to do? We need to understand what his mind must be going through to find the root cause of the problem. Maybe have a family outing and give him positive time. With positive reinforcement, the behaviour may change.

Hi there, I’m sorry to hear that you and your mum is going through this. Is your little brother going through a tough time that you don’t know about? Have you tried to listen to him and communicate, if you haven’t? It might take a Long time but don’t give up.

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Don't give up on him. Is there any counsellors in his school? Maybe he feels unloved , unwanted and is seeking attention? Try bringing him out, have a meal with him and let him talk about his frustrations etc. This requires professional help... Hope all goes well!

I feel that what I might say is just theory.. See if there are experts in this area. I wish I could help. God bless dear.

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Hi... you might find this article informative

Counselling may help. Sometimes he has issues which he doesn't tell you about.

Maybe you can try MSF. They can help