As the control on the spread of the virus strengthens, we are now able to go out with our babies/kids.
And every time I pack for a trip, I never forget to bring Cetaphils’ Pro Ad Derma and Baby line for my children. It has been my go-to in controlling my kids eczema and protecting their skin, and I never leave home without it. Cetaphil truly lives to its promise of 5-fold protection; 1. Gentle 2. Soothing 3. Moisture Seal 4. Skin Barrier & 5. Hypoallergenic.
This skincare brand is the #healthystartbabyskindeserves that’s why the whole family loves its too.
Get these products from the links below,
Special thanks to @cetaphilbabyph @theasianparentph #HealthyStartBabySkinDeserves #theasianparentph