Confinement nanny ?

Is confinement nanny necessary? Anyone can advise or share your experience? I have my in laws who are committed to take care of the baby when born. They are also planning to take up infant care course. I will be ordering confinement meals package.

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Not necessary. It’s just some people prefer a professional to look after their needs after birth. I can vouch for majority of some ethnic groups who don’t take confinement nannies and we are all just as fine. Still got time to do our post-natal massage, look after baby, pump and latch, cook our own meals, do light chores. Even the westerners do everything on their own. If you believe in the help your in-laws can provide you, don’t need to engage with confinement nanny, to be honest. As for me, I was staying at my family’s place during my confinement and my mom helped to cook healthy confinement meals for me. You won’t have much appetite after birth actually. And most of the time newborns are always asleep. So make sure you build your stash of BM for standby while you have your post-natal massage. Other than that, move in a much slower pace, be very careful and don’t carry heavy things. I don’t like non-family members to handle my newborn especially right after birth. Such a crucial and important time to be spending with my newborn even though I’m recovering.

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